
We survived Saola & went to the mall!

Move to a tropical island, they said. It will be sunny all the time, they said. Well, apart from the gigantic tropical typhoons that swing by occasionally and are a bajillion times bigger than said tropical island. We are on day 3 of our new life in Okinawa, and I have to say that things have already been quite exciting.

We have spent the last couple of days with our sponsors going to housing briefs, exploring the area, and stocking up on necessities for our temporary housing while we begin our search for a home. Honestly, it has been a complete whirlwind and it feels like we have been here for a lot longer than 3 days! Yesterday, I got my first (and hopefully last) bout of food poisoning from sushi but after 24 hours of puking we are good to go again. Although I may hold off on the sushi for a couple of days...or weeks.

Today, the weather as finally good enough for us to leave base and go explore, so after a big brunch at the Officer's Club we went to the local mall to see what was up! Since it's the weekend before halloween, all the of the local children were at the mall and dressed up in their costumes for special events happening there today (so cute!) We were excited to get off of the base and visit a giant, Japanese, 4 story mall, but mostly I was just super stoked to visit the Miyazaki store and bathe in a sea of stuffed soot sprites and totoros <3 I'm only like 13% kidding...

Tomorrow, as we enter in to our first full week here in Okinawa, we begin our search for our new home. I am so ready to be out of temporary housing and the realtor in me is itching to get into these houses and check them out! Two dogs, two people, and seven bags worth of stuff do not fit well in a 500 square foot hotel suite. Especially one where the fire alarm goes off randomly during the day, the bathroom ceiling leaks when it rains, and dogs aren't allowed on the furniture.

Hopefully in the next couple of days we will have a few homes to choose from, our cars will be picked out, and the end of temp housing will be in sight! And HOPEFULLY, I will be able to share some pictures of blue water, green mountains, and beautiful scenery with you all here soon. We just need these clouds to go away :)


We. Made. It.

Well guys...we made it! I'm not going to say that moving across the world with two large dogs, seven bags, and a language barrier is easy, but with a good sense of humor and a lot of help from A LOT of people...we made it. Our flights were long but breaking down the journey into two days really made a difference for us, especially with the pups. Also, having afternoon flights was crucial for us since we had to get to the airports so early to check all of our baggage and get the dogs situated! We made sure we arrived early and had plenty of time so that we ended up spending a lot of time in airports but never had to rush or worry too much about missing our flights.

The puppies had never flown before but did amazing! No accidents (praise!). And I can't say enough good things about Alaska Airlines and their pet policy, they were so helpful and kind, and didn't charge us an arm and a leg for traveling with so much stuff and dogs. ANA was also super helpful and very attentive and kind to us. We must have looked like the Griswold's pushing all of that crap through the airport, but I think OCONUS PCS moves must be kind of like childbirth because I am already forgetting the trauma of this move haha! And, yes, some would say that it was indeed a bit traumatic. BUT! We are now finally in the land of Totoro! And I am so excited to begin exploring this beautiful country.

We are so thankful for everyone's kind words and thoughts during this transition and can't wait to share more exciting stories from our adventures here in Okinawa! Right now we are busy getting settled in and doing all of the usual PCS things like looking for housing, trying to buy cars, preparing for a giant typhoon that is coming through this weekend, you know, normal things like that.

But we will keep you all posted here, and hopefully have some fun stuff to share soon!

Stay Tuned....

P.S If you want to stay up to date on our daily adventures you can check out my instagram stories at: @emmmienardi


How to Move to Another Country

Hello lovely internet fam,
I've been doing an excellent job of neglecting my blog for the last month or so and honestly I have no excuse except for the fact that I've been running around like a psychopath trying to organize my life before moving to the other side of the world. Given the amazing amount of knowledge I have gained over the last six months through both experience and advice from others in the same boat, I've decided to compile a list of things to do before uprooting your life and moving to another country for a few years...

1. Get on Pinterest and make a board dedicated to all of the amazing things there are to do in your new country! That way, when you find yourself blubbering into a glass of wine, you can pull up your Pinterest board and look at beautiful beaches and cool things to do!

2. Take on a new hobby or class that finishes RIGHT BEFORE you leave for said new country. Not only does it distract you in the way that stubbing your toe makes your headache go away, but you may find that this welcome distraction also allows you to get a job in your new country (employment = good, unemployment = bad).

3. Decide to bring all four of your pets with you and spend the six months before your move planning elaborate time schedules around quarantines, vaccination records, and plane tickets. Oh and, pay an excessive amount of money in the process.

4. Somehow wait until the week before your move to sell your car and rent your house out! This way, you have the opportunity to really test your nerve before embarking on your new adventure!

5. Rip the one pair of jeans you left out of your packed goods (that you wont see for a month). Who doesn't want to wear leggings for 6 weeks straight, OR that random pair of overalls you decided to bring in your carry on...just in case!

6. Decide to take a spur of the moment trip to Europe two weeks before your departure date! Sure you will spend a bunch of money and randomly disappear causing family and friends to think you pulled an Irish Goodbye, but can anyone say 'Practice Run'?

7. And lastly, spend all of your free time with family and friends that you won't see for a while! Moving to another country has a lot of crazy ups and downs and the lowest low will be not seeing your tribe regularly BUT the highest high is the amazing opportunity that you get to experience! All of the crazy little things that happen are nothing in the grand scheme of things, and getting to experience another culture first hand is a wonderful adventure.

So, take a deep breath, experience each moment for what it is, and dive in headfirst!

See you on the other side,

Covid Ramblings: Back in America

 Hi friends. It's been a really long time! Things have been hectic and crazy but also seemingly mundane enough to where I feel like I ha...