
Oops..kind of fell off the map there :)

I'm having a hard time deciding how to even start this post because it has been over a month since I last wrote and so much has happened both in my personal life and on a national scale since then. Obviously I was displeased and shocked by the results of the presidential election. Like so many others, I was unaware of how divided our country is and how easy it is to be blinded by the bubble we live in. Luckily, I've been brought up in a situation where everyone is treated equally no matter their religion, skin color, sexual orientation, or nationality is. However, I can see now that I have taken advantage of the fact that not everyone has the same open minded up-bringing that I have. I'm not going to harp on politics right now, but it's important for me to say that no matter who our president is or who our elected officials are, I will do everything in my power to support them when they support and protect ALL Americans, and I will defy and fight against them whenever they don't.

So! Now that the giant, misogynistic, racist elephant is out of the room (sorry! I'm really done now...) let's catch up! I've been back in Durham for about a month and everything is going great. I've been able to visit J down in Texas twice, but I definitely can't wait for the holidays so we can spend more than a couple of days together. Work is amazing! I forgot what it's like to sell houses in a town where the market never slowed down...it's also been such an uplifting thing to get back to work for my family business, which given recent events, I am ever more proud to be a part of! #girlpower

Wedding planning is insane, and it's probably a miracle that my mother hasn't killed me yet and vice versa. This whole wedding would never even happen without her, so thank god she continues to put up with my less than ideal method of getting stuff done...aka waiting until the last minute and then winging it. We are officially TWO MONTHS, I repeat TWO MONTHS away from this shindig and I am getting so excited. Meteorologists are calling for a super snowy winter so maybe we will even have a white Christmas AND wedding!!

I never posted the after photos of the house but I promise I will do a whole separate post on that when I get around to cleaning my house real quick aaaaand taking pics ;)

But I think that is enough of me blabbing for now. I will do better with the updates!


P.S Super cool App for staying up to date on your local representatives, current bills, and news is called Countable...check it out! Let's keep the dialog open and try to fix these issues together by learning more about ALL of the demographics in our country. There is no place in America for hate and discrimination. Stand up for your neighbors. Speak out against hate. Keep your heads up!

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