

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly time goes by. Since having Ezmé, it has flown by even faster and I find myself trying so hard to live in the moment because these little humans change and grow so quickly. Every day brings some new challenge or accomplishment for my little chunk!

It is also super easy as a new mom to get a little bit lost in the all consuming world that is caring and loving your new baby. I have definitely struggled with uniting the old and new me since having Ezmé, and one thing that has helped bring me back to a bit of old routine is writing and reading. Keeping my blog up has obviously fallen to the wayside in recent months, but the online community of mamas has played such an integral part in shaping my motherhood journey that it seems appropriate to try to put my journaling back onto the screen.

That is why I have decided to create Blogtober (is that already a thing??) ! 31 days of writing prompts and ideas. 31 blog posts that can be as long or short as you want them to be. If you don't have a blog, you can just write a Facebook or Instagram post! I hope this will help me get back into the swing of doing something for myself (writing) and encourage others to do the same.

I've been working on a list of writing prompts...but if there are any subjects or ideas that ring true to you, and you would like to take this journey with me, feel free to share!! On September 30th I will share the full list of writing prompts...

Let's take a couple of minutes out of the day to reflect and do something for ourselves <3

#motherhoodunplugged #thisgoesouttoallthebabymamas

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