
m i l l e n n i a l m u t t e r i n g s

mondays always have a way of sneaking up on me. i remember being in school and saving all of my homework for sunday night (or monday morning...)and immediately starting the countdown to the next friday. wouldn't it be great if every day was as exciting as friday? i mean obviously we all love the weekend because, well, its the weekend! no work, all play :) i want to love what i do so much that everyday is as great as a friday! 

generationally speaking, a job can be fun but its still a job. we are all expected to have not only a job, but a single career for our entire lives. its almost assumed that you won't love it, but you do your work because you have to. because its what people do. i think that our generation has done an exceptional, if not fully understood or accepted, job of showing that fluidity and change in the workplace is a good thing! you don't have to start on this long career path when you're 23 and move up the workplace food chain until you turn 65 and hopefully retire with enough money to live out the rest of your life. millennials have shown that there are many different paths and careers that a person can take and still have an influential, productive, and awesome work life. 

don't get me wrong! i don't think there is anything bad about having a single career for ones entire life. some paths like those of doctors, scientists, engineers etc... come with an incredible amount of schooling. the bottom line is, different people are happy doing different things in different ways. 

personally speaking though, i would be so bored if i did just one thing for my entire life! real estate is a great job for me because you can make your own schedule, you get to meet lots of people, and you rarely sit still. its a problem solving career that is always changing. its also a job where you get out of it what you put into it. if you want to make money, you have to get out there and work for it. this part was difficult to learn at first, but making money to pay your bills is a pretty great motivator ;)

being surrounded by so many great people who are down in pensacola for the same reason as me, the reason being they have a significant other in flight school, I've learned that being creative and fluid in your job/career choices is not only a positive thing but a necessity. I've met women who are yoga instructors, real estate agents, food industry workers, nannies, stay-at-home moms, independent Etsy sales people, you name it! its absolutely incredible. some people may look down on having many different jobs in different fields but i think its an asset! who wouldn't want to have tons of options and life skills? its much harder to get bored, thats for sure!

another important thing about job fluidity is that it allows you to enjoy the NOW more. it seems like when people are in a set career they're always working towards some unspeakable end in a way that completely ignores how the person is feeling now. goals are great, they help get shit done, but it is so important to enjoy the little things that happen daily and not get so wrapped up in the future that you wake up one day 50 years down the line and wonder where your life went. thats why i am using this new beginning (career-wise, and location-wise) to focus more on doing things that make me happy. i want to work hard and make money so that i can travel to crazy places, do new activities, and experience things fully all the time, not just when i turn 65 and retire. 

there are so many options for things to do that get you out in the world that don't necessarily have to do with work. take a class just for fun because you want to learn something new! get scuba certified, heck get yoga instructor certified (it could come in handy one day haha). train to run a half marathon even though the only time you 'run' is when you think you're being chased by zombies! these are all things that i plan on doing before this year is over and I'm sure that list will change and grow throughout the months, but i think its important to have this list. everyone should have a fun to-do list, or a bucket-list. even if you can't do everything on it right when you want to, its still fun to take it out and look at it so that you are able to remember not to take things so seriously. were only given this one life, and i think we should all make the most of it!

whew! okay, monday morning rant over :)


1 comment:

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