
Monday Motivation

On days like today; rainy days, cold rainy days, cold rainy MONDAYS to be specific, it can be nearly impossible to get out of bed and face another week day no matter how much you love your job. With the blankets so warm, the air chilly after leaving the windows open all night, and the rain pouring down outside, it almost seems like the world should just stop and go back to sleep. Alas, that never seems to be the case. With that being said, here are a few things that motivated me to get up and moving this morning...

Coffee. That and the short amount of time in the mornings where I get to drink my coffee and read a little, or catch up on my favorite blogs before heading into the office.

Putting on some warm, cozy knits and a pair of leggings, because you know what? I don't care if they aren't 'pants,' my sweater covers my butt anyways. 

Listening to NPR or a good podcast. This helps me get out of my head in the morning and hopeful learn something new that I didn't know before, whether it's a world event, how a piece of technology works, or just a good book I haven't read. 

Diffusing peppermint oil. I love the way this oil smells and it definitely helps alert your senses in the morning! Sometimes I diffuse a blend by adding lavender, tangerine, or eucalyptus. 

And lastly, knowing that at the end of the day I get to come home, put my sweatpants on, make a hot cup of tea, and curl up on the couch with some huge, fluffy blankets and a good book!

What makes your Monday go by quickly?

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