
Weekend Vibes & Kitchen Update

Things have finally slowed down a little bit. I've been spending my time unpacking boxes slowly but surely, filling out paperwork for my new company, and nesting into this wonderful home of ours. It always takes a little bit of time to adjust and make a new house feel like a home, but this transition has been seamless and it already feels like home here. 

Even though it's November, it has been in the 70's during the day down here so we have been leaving the windows open and letting the cool breeze blow through the house. Not that I don't love warm weather, but it is definitely weird not having it be cold and snowy this far into the winter! To make up for the lack of wintery atmosphere I have been diffusing a Balsam Fir/Cinnamon/Peppermint blend to make it smell like home. I love the smell of all the spices swirling through the house as we sip our coffee and read under clean, warm blankets on the couch. That is definitely my happy place!

With the holidays upon us, I cant help but miss home and family a bit more than usual. It can be pretty isolating when you first move to a new place. And even though we've only moved a few miles closer to base I haven't had a chance to meet the neighbors yet so it has been a little lonely. But not for long! I am totally that nerdy neighbor who will knock on your door with cookies so I can introduce myself (maybe its my inner Realtor coming out...)

There is also so much to do that I haven't had much time to sit down and really think about all the changes we have been making! Getting a business up and running is no easy task! There are signs and cards to be ordered, advertising to be done, and paperwork to fill out. But, everyone has been so wonderfully supportive that I can't help but smile when I think of what the future holds. Not to mention, the decorating possibilities for a home office are pretty unlimited...and you know how much I love a good room-specific, home decor Pinterest board :)

Currently, I am in the process of getting some before and after pictures done of the house but there are still a lot of boxes to unpack and honestly, I am not in too big of a rush to unpack them! Whenever I move, the room I always unpack first is the kitchen. Kitchens are the eternal hang out room especially when they open up into the living space, which is why I think a good open floor plan is important. It allows the energy to flow easily from one space to another. Both my family and J's are foodies so somehow we always end up loitering near the food areas, therefore, the kitchen is the first room to get set up and ready to go! Here are some pictures of the progress we have made in the kitchen...

More to come soon! Hope you all have a great Saturday :)


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