
2017 Booklist: Part One

Every year I try to get my thoughts together and make a list of all the books I want to read in the following year. Now, this list almost always changes as the year progresses, books get added, they fall off the list, I read part of one and hate it, I re-read Harry Potter 8 millions times, but its a good baseline. This year, following the last week of madness in our country, my list has undergone perhaps one of the biggest overhauls ever. I have always been curious and pushed myself to learn about different topics but this past month has scared the crap out of me. Seeing the level of ignorance and fear that is in our world today, and witnessing first hand how it combats love, acceptance, and progress has lit a fire under my butt to learn as much about the state of our world as possible.

With that being said, my book list is basically shot to hell and has now split into two lists (because obviously some 'fun' books will still be required). So here we go...

Learning List:
1. The Shock Doctrine (Naomi Klein)
2. Dark Money (Jane Mayer)
3. White Trash (Nancy Isenberg)
4. This Changes Everything (Naomi Klein)
5. Six Degrees (Mark Linus)
6. Listen, Liberal (Mark Frank)
7. Hillbilly Elegy (J.D Vance)
8. Field Notes From a Catastrophe (Elizabeth Kolbert) She also wrote The Sixth Extinction, which I loved!
9. The Big Picture (Sean Carroll)
10. Strangers in Their Own Land (Arlie Hochschild)
11. The New Jim Crow (Michelle Alexander)
12. Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Angela Davis)
13. We Should All Be Feminists (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)

What are you reading? I would love suggestions on other relevant reads!

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