
The Elephant in the Womb...I Mean Room...

I want to take a minute today to talk about how surprised I was to see that there were several women that I know personally who posted on social media in the last couple of days saying that they didn't feel like the Women's March was inclusive to all women. This honestly shocked me, and also shook me to my core because as much as I try, I can't fathom why a woman wouldn't be able to understand how important it is to have comprehensive reproductive rights!

My understanding is that the real concern some women have about this movement is that is advocating on behalf of those who are Pro-Choice. For a person who is Pro-life, I can see how this would make it seem as though you are not welcome or included in this movement. But I firmly believe that this isn't true. The real issue here is that bipartisan politics have made us all think that being pro-life and pro-choice are polar opposites.

This unnecessary but unsurprising labeling forces us to take sides. But how can we be expected to take such a black and white stance on an issue that is so subjective? Human life is involved and there is no way that one decision can be made in an office somewhere in Washington, that will be effective and right for every situation.

Pro-choice is not anti-life or pro-abortion. Being Pro-choice is acknowledging that abortion is a difficult, multi-faceted, complicated, and subjective issue that should not be regulated by the government. Being pro-choice is being in favor of a woman's right to choose what is best for her and her family in that specific situation. Are you really pro-life if you are in favor of bringing a child into this world where they are not going to be cared for in the best way possible?? What about if the fetus isn't viable or has a terrible illness that would bring pain and suffering to the parents and the child itself? Or if the life of the mother is at risk?? The point is, these decisions belong to the women who are EXPERIENCING them. Who are we to judge and regulate other peoples bodies?? No person has the right to control another persons decision to bring another life into this world.

If you are truly Pro-life, then it should be a priority to ensure that EVERYONE has access to affordable contraception, reproductive education, and healthcare. THAT is being pro-life. Not debasing and judging women you don't know about a decision that is already incredibly difficult.

The biggest difference that I see between people who are Pro-choice and Pro-life is the word CHOICE. I do not judge my friends who believe that no fetus should ever be aborted. But I do disagree with them. Does that mean that I advocate abortion in all situations? Of course not. But I do respect my fellow women enough to know that they know their bodies and their situations better than any politician in Washington does.

I would never judge a woman for getting an abortion, in any situation. I would also never judge a woman's decision to carry a baby to term, in any situation. And THAT is what being Pro-choice means to me. I respect you and your decisions. All I'm asking is that you do the same.

Let's take away the ridiculous coined terms 'Pro-choice' and Pro-life'....what are we left with? Thousands of unique, complicated situations that are being over-simplified, or just over-looked, by a bunch of politicians. We need to slow down, think, and truly understand what it is that we are arguing about.

I would like to be given the freedom to decide what is best for my body and my family, and I want all women to have that same freedom. Simple.

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