saturday we spent the day in charlotte with j's aunt, who has been kind enough to bestow some great furniture on us for the new place. we also made a trip to ikea, which lasted a grand total of 37 minutes. that has got to be some kind of record...we may also be the only lunatics who go to ikea for a can opener, but you try making chili with only a pair of scissors and an attitude to open all those cans! of course we also walked out with a bajillion tea lights and some other accessories but hey, thats ikea for you.
after a wonderful lunch at a cute place called The Rabbit, we booked it back to Durham for the Duke vs. Syracuse baseball game. of course the blue devils killed it and the cameron crazies were on point with their less than tasteful but awesomely hilarious taunts. my parents nagged a couple of extra tickets for this game and the four of us were able to have a nice dinner together before the game. i know its going to be tough leaving them when i make the move to florida so its nice to spend any time i can with them :)
today james had to help his brother and sister in law scrape the popcorn ceiling off in their new place. as a real estate agent i do my best to avoid any such home improvement activity and leave it to the professionals. if it involves sloppy goo falling on my head, I'm probably not down (must be all of those years watching people get slimed on nickelodeon). so instead i baked cookies for the scrapers and got some stuff done at home including a nice hot batch of chicken and wild rice stew.
overall, I'm happy the weekend was so productive, and i knew this day was coming where james and i would have to be apart for a little while. its not like we haven't been here before, what with his job as marine and everything, but this time i got to keep him for two whole weeks! soon enough we will get into our new place together and this won't be the norm anymore. but, until then, i have 3 weeks to somehow manage to pack up all of our furniture and belongings that are scattered from here to raleigh to charlotte, pack them onto a 26 foot moving truck, and get them down to pensacola without a hitch. then, a month more to wrap up a few real estate deals and my nanny gig, pack up the fur kids, and make the move myself. no big deal, right? As my parents would say, at least it builds character...
until tomorrow though, we are going to spend our last night watching the new season of House of Cards, drinking wine, and doing absolutely nothing. happy sunday everyone!
Oh my gosh! Duke fans!! I'm always down there for football games!